
Trent Mays and Ma'lik Richmond in the courtroom before their trial

#Steubenville verdict: The reaction on Twitter

Trent Mays and Ma'lik Richmond in the courtroom before their trial (AP/Pool Photo)

The news that two high school football players in Steubenville, Ohio, were found guilty of raping an intoxicated 16-year-old girl lit up Twitter on Sunday, with many users—most of them women—celebrating the verdict while calling for more work to be done to transform America's rape culture.

GUILTY verdict in #Steubenville! Let's hope this serves as a lesson nationally—only yes means yes.

— Jessica Valenti (@JessicaValenti) March 17, 2013

These young men have forced a young woman to relearn trust, dignity, self worth and sexuality. And demonized her afterwards.

— Lizz Winstead (@lizzwinstead) March 17, 2013

Full justice will not be realized for survivors until we stop blaming victims and destroy the culture that feeds this. #Steubenville

— Lily Bolourian (@LilyBolourian) March 17, 2013

There are a lot of tears in the courtroom. Wonder where the tears were for the victim that night? #Steubenville

— Jessica Valenti (@JessicaValenti) March 17, 2013

When I was in college guys used to joke "passed out equals consent" and it made my stomach turn. So glad for the Steubenville verdict.

— Erin Drummond (@ebdrummond) March 17, 2013

Solidarity w/ Jane Doe. Happy for verdict, but it doesn't stop today. She has to live with this when media coverage stops. #steubenville

— Katie Hnida (@KatieHnida) March 17, 2013

Steubenville young men were found guilty ... But it still doesn't fix the problem of society devaluing women.

— Esha Hand (@handesha) March 17, 2013

CONGRATULATIONS, JANE DOE! Justice in Steubenville is in your favor! Next stop: civil court!

— Roseanne Barr (@TheRealRoseanne) March 17, 2013

The verdict came a day after the victim testified she did not remember anything from the night of the attack, but was "embarrassed and scared" to learn what happened to her via text messages from witnesses, Instagram photos and a YouTube video.

#Steubenville rape case had more undeniably damning evidence than many other high profile cases--texts, tweets, photos. Hard to ignore.

— Irin Carmon (@irincarmon) March 17, 2013

#Steubenville case looked at "10s of 1000s of texts found on 17 phones seized." May texting do away with he-said-she-said trials forever.

— Selena Ross (@seleross) March 17, 2013

Steubenville community leaders would have covered up this abuse as they had before, but bloggers and Anons shined a light on it. Well done.

— Random Pinko (@anon_pinko) March 17, 2013

The case "drew wide attention for the way social media spurred the initial prosecution," the New York Times said, "and later helped galvanize national outrage"—outrage that was evident to anyone scanning tweets with the #Steubenville hashtag on Sunday.

Going to have stop commenting on #steubenville case now, as every time I think about it, I cry. I have so much respect/love for the victim.

— Emma Jayne (@EmmaJaynewithaY) March 17, 2013

You will not reduce, redefine, diminish, or take away from what you did. And what you did was rape her. #Steubenville

— Kimberly Hurtt (@MrsHurtt) March 17, 2013

Too much sympathy in court being shown for these disgusting little rapists. It is not a tragedy when a rapist is found guilty.#Steubenville

— Radical Feminist (@RadicalFeminist) March 17, 2013

"She Never said no" is such a hideous defense, and one of the many sad examples of how much work needs to be done. #Steubenville

— Lizz Winstead (@lizzwinstead) March 17, 2013

I wish I had heard the judge utter one word--one word--about respecting women and girls and the issue of consent. #Steubenville

— Truly S. (@hotincleveland) March 17, 2013

"Those poor boys' lives are ruined!" — exactly what you should not be thinking after the #steubenville guilty verdict.

— Matt Binder (@MattBinder) March 17, 2013

So many feelings as a survivor of intoxicated, teenage rape about Steubenville. The howling for blood makes me really sad.

— Suzan Eraslan (@SuzanEraslan) March 17, 2013

Don't feel sorry rapists: Stop airing the men crying. Those were adult actions, they should've been tried as adults. #Steubenville #stopVAW

— Kimberly S. Brusk (@peaceforus4ever) March 17, 2013

The five-day trial put a spotlight on the football culture surrounding Steubenville High School, a point of pride for a city hard hit by the collapse of the steel industry.

The community of #Steubenville should now do some soul-searching about how they treat their boys like gods. It won't.

— Abraham Lincoln (@Mr_Lincoln) March 17, 2013

I guess the question coaches should ask themselves is this: "Is rape culture part of my locker room?"

— Joel D. Anderson (@blackink12) March 17, 2013

#Steubenville coach and adults also #guilty, protecting the rapists, demonizing the victim

— Progressive Voices (@progvoice) March 17, 2013

Sign across the street from Steubenville Courthouse: "Be a parent, not a best friend."

— Maggie Jordan (@MaggieJordanACN) March 17, 2013

Drink responsibly? Children should not be drinking anyway, and if they do should not get raped, no matter how drunk they get. #Steubenville

— Mark Hoggan (@Markho23) March 17, 2013

Breaking: Rape is wrong even if you are good at sports. #Steubenville

— Katy, Esq. (@kayteeod) March 17, 2013

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diamonds and uranium.

Central Africa Republic rebels issue ultimatum, detain ministers

By Paul Marin Ngoupana

BANGUI (Reuters) - Rebels in the Central African Republic have detained their five ministers in the government and threatened to break a January ceasefire unless prisoners are freed and other demands met.

The insurgents came close to capturing the capital Bangui and overthrowing President Francois Bozize late last year before accepting the peace deal in January under which some of their leaders joined the central government.

But increasingly bitter rhetoric from both sides is threatening to pitch the mineral-rich but impoverished, landlocked country back into conflict.

In a sign of growing tension, the Seleka rebel military command detained five ministers from its side on Sunday, preventing them from returning to the capital after talks with U.N., African Union and European Union officials.

The insurgents have demanded the release of political prisoners and the departure of about 400 South African troops who were sent in to prop up Bozize's army.

"We are giving Bozize and those around him 72 hours to meet our principal demands, otherwise we will resume hostilities," Seleka's spokesman, Colonel Sylvain Bordas, said after a meeting with the international officials in the town of Sibut on Sunday.

"In the meantime, all our ministers in the government will stay here with us. The rest of the delegation may go back to Bangui," he said.

One of the ministers told French RFI radio on Monday that the military command was detaining them as a means to force Bozize to accept their demands immediately.

The insurgents have also called for the incorporation of 2,000 men from their group into the national army and the recognition of their military ranks.

The government of the Central African Republic was not immediately available for comment.

Chad, Gabon, Cameroon, Republic of Congo and South Africa have deployed hundreds of troops to shore up Bozize's army after it suffered a string of defeats, allowing the rebels to advance to within 75 km (45 miles) of Bangui.

The five ministers were being kept at a rebel camp in Sibut, about 185 km (115 miles) from the capital where they discussed with diplomats how to defuse the latest crisis.

The United States said on Sunday it was concerned about worsening security in Central African Republic, urging all sides to implement the ceasefire deal.

Insurgents seized two eastern towns last week, threatening to resume their insurgency if their demands were disregarded.

They previously insisted that Bozize's resignation was a precondition for peace and that the president, who seized power in a Chadian-backed 2003 coup, should stand trial at the International Criminal Court.

Central African Republic, a former French colony, remains among the least developed in the world despite rich deposits of gold, diamonds and uranium.

(Writing by Bate Felix; Editing by David Lewis and Mark Heinrich)

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Minnesota woman loses music downloading appeal

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court has turned away an appeal from a Minnesota woman who has been ordered to pay record companies $222,000 for the unauthorized downloading of copyrighted music.

The justices did not comment Monday in letting stand the judgment against Jammie Thomas-Rasset of Brainerd, Minn. She claimed in court papers that the ordered payment was excessive.

The music industry filed thousands of lawsuits against people it accused of downloading music without permission and without paying for it. Almost all the cases settled for $3,500.

Lawyer Kiwi Camara said Thomas-Rasset is one of only two defendants whose case went to trial. The other is former Boston University student Joel Tenenbaum, who also lost and was ordered to pay $675,000.

The case is Thomas-Rasset v. Capitol Records, 12-715.

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プラダ リュック  すでにその兆候はある

日銀人事、28日正式提示 民主抜きでも同意成立の可能性政府は28日、次期日銀総裁に黒田東彦(はるひこ)アジア開発銀行総裁、副総裁に中曽(なかそ)宏日銀理事、岩田規久男(きくお)学習院大教授をあてる人事案を衆参両院に正式に提示する,なお、MSIはCeBIT 2013にあわせて、同社の新しいゲーミングマザーボードを公開。この人事案が国会で同意されるか否かは、与党が過半数に達していない参院の判断が焦点となるが、ここにきて参院第一会派の民主党が反対に回っても、同意される可能性が出てきた。(原川貴郎) 政府・与党は3月15日に参院で同意人事案の採決を行うことを想定している。参院は与野党の勢力が伯仲しており、賛否は微妙な情勢だが、モデルケースになるとみられるのが26日の平成24年度補正予算案の参院採決だ。 「私にとっては、とんだプレゼントだった…」 補正予算が成立した26日に64歳の誕生日を迎えた民主党の海江田万里代表は27日、名古屋市内の講演で、悔しさをにじませた,r4i 3ds 2012年6月30日。 衆参の多数派が異なる「ねじれ国会」は野党に転落した民主党にとって、国会闘争上、唯一といってもいい武器だった。しかし、補正予算案は民主党の反対にもかかわらず、参院でも1票差で可決された。 民主党にとって最悪のシナリオは、前半国会最大のヤマ場となる日銀人事案の採決でも、このパターンが再現され、野党第一党としての存在感を発揮できないまま終わることだ。 すでにその兆候はある。野党ながら補正に賛成した日本維新の会の国会議員団は日銀人事案にも容認論が大勢。新党改革の舛添要一代表も27日の記者会見で「バランスのとれた一定の評価ができる人事だ」と賛成する方針を表明した。 民主党内にも黒田氏起用に容認論が広がっており、その場合はすんなりと人事案が認められるが、「抵抗野党」戦術にこだわる輿石東参院議員会長の鶴の一声で反対に回る可能性は捨てきれない。 その場合、俄然(がぜん)注目されるのが、党議拘束がないみどりの風に所属する5人の参院議員の動向だ。行田邦子氏は補正予算の採決時と同様、入党を検討しているみんなと歩調を合わせ同意しない公算が大きいが、補正に賛成票を投じた他の4人の判断は不透明だ。 谷岡郁子代表は「完璧にフリーパスとはならない。党内でかなりの議論になるだろう」と語る。仮に4人が同意に回れば、民主党抜きの日銀人事案同意が現実味を帯びることになる。